Our founder, able to draw on a significant network across the UK and US, has over 25 years of covert operational experience, and a history of operating in the most challenging threat environments, against both state and non-state adversaries.
Working for governments and major global corporations, we solve the hardest security problems, specialising in counterintelligence and counter-insurgency challenges.
We do this through:
Delivering your requirements organically through our team of professionals selected for their national expertise, primarily drawn from the UK and US community, against requirements you have identified.
We can help you generate your statements of requirements, that others can competitively bid for. In either case, we can help project manage, deliver, and quality assure against requirements you own.
Where you have uncertainty surrounding your security arrangements, we can reassure you, or highlight weaknesses, through physical and digital penetration testing.
We put people first in terms of our solutions and we have experts
– from the national strategic, to front-line delivery – that can train, assist, advise and mentor existing staff or help you recruit those you need, through an extensive network.
We advise on the most up to date technical solutions and management systems to include procurement advice and support.
In short, CLADUS Global Consultancy LTD prides itself in offering bespoke solutions to your problems.
Our client base
We offer service to clients ranging from the highest levels of government, security services and specialist military organisations, to a broad range of corporate organisations, within the rule of law, upholding the highest values and standards.
Contact us